Professional Appointments
Visiting experience
Project experience
- Physicia Upgrade
- Upgrade and develop educational software “Physicia” for demonstrating simulations on statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics, March 2016 - September 2016.
Teaching experience
- Teaching assistant at Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Analytical Mechanics, Spring 2013.
- Electrodynamics I, Spring 2011.
- Electronics & Instrumentation Lab, Fall 2010.
- Electronics & Instrumentation Lab, Spring 2010.
Awards and honors
- Young Statistical Physicist Award
- Global Ph.D. Fellowship Program
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), March 2014–February 2017.
- Best Paper Award
- Korea Computer Congress 2021, Jun 2021.
- Excellent Poster Presentation Award
- 2017 Korean Physical Society Spring Meeting, April 2017.
- 2013 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, October 2013.
- Excellent Oral Presentation Award
- 2016 Korean Physical Society Fall Meeting, October 2016.
- Excellent Teaching Assistant Award
- Electronics & Instrumentation Lab, Dept. of Physics, POSTECH, Fall 2010.
- Electronics & Instrumentation Lab, Dept. of Physics, POSTECH, Spring 2010.
- Best Paper Award
- Undergraduate Research Program, POSTECH, 2009.
- Excellent Bachelor Thesis Award
- Dept. of Physics, POSTECH, 2009.
- Samsung Undergraduate Scholarship
- Samsung Electro-Mechanics, March 2006-February 2010.