Recent publications
Recent publications
D. Kim, D. Lee, J. Myung, C. Jung, I. Hong, D. Sáez-Trumper, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, and M. Cha, “Information collection of COVID-19 pandemic using Wikipedia template network”, Journal of KIISE 49, 347 (2022). (in Korean) [paper]
L. N. Ferreira, I. Hong, A. Rutherford, and M. Cebrian, “The small-world network of global protests”, Scientific Reports 11, 19215 (2021). [paper]
C. Jung, I. Hong, D. Sáez-Trumper, D. Lee, J. Myung, D. Kim, J. Yun, W.-S. Jung, and M. Cha, “Information flow on COVID-19 over Wikipedia: A case study of 11 languages”, Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, pp. 627 (2021). [paper]
O.-H. Kwon*, I. Hong* (*equal contribution), J. Yang, D. Y. Wohn, W.-S. Jung, and M. Cha, “Urban green space and happiness in developed countries”, EPJ Data Science 10, 28 (2021). [paper]
I. Hong, A. Rutherford, and M. Cebrian, “Social mobilization and polarization can create volatility in COVID-19 pandemic control”, Applied Network Science 6, 1 (2021). [paper]
I. Hong, M. R. Frank, I. Rahwan, W.-S. Jung, and H. Youn, “The universal pathway to innovative urban economies”, Science Advances 6, eaba4934 (2020). [paper]
I. Hong, W.-S. Jung, and H.-H. Jo, “Gravity model explained by the radiation model on a population landscape”, PLoS ONE 14, e0218028 (2019). [paper]
H. Kim*, I. Hong* (*equal contribution), and W.-S. Jung, “Measuring national capability over big science’s multidisciplinarity: A case study of nuclear fusion research”, PLoS ONE 14, e0211963 (2019). [paper]