Media coverage (selected)
Media coverage (selected)
- “The universal pathway to innovative urban economies”, Science Advances (2020).
- “Is It Really Possible For The Next Silicon Valley To Emerge In A Small Town?”, Forbes.
- “What it takes for a city to jump into the knowledge economy”, Quartz.
- “Working from ‘anywhere’ is possible — but not sustainable”, Fast Company.
- “Big Cities Still Matter”, Northwestern Magazine.
- “Innovative cities follow a unique historical pattern”, Northwestern NOW.
- “스마트시티 될수록 도시·시골 간 양극화 더 확대된다”, 매일경제 (in Korean).
- “Social mobilization and polarization can create volatility in COVID-19 pandemic control”, Applied Network Science (2021).
- “Polarization and mobilization on social media affect infection figures”, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
- “Polarization and mobilization on social media affect infection figures”, IDW Online.
- “Forscher sehen Zusammenhang zwischen SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen und sozialen Medien”, Heise Online.
- “Max-Planck-Institut: Facebook verbreitet Corona”, Berliner Zeitung.
- “Wie Menschen auf Corona-Maßnahmen reagieren”, Deutschlandfunk.
- “Urban green space and happiness in developed countries”, EPJ Data Science (2021).
- “Happiness in Urban Green Spaces: Better Than In Economically Developed Ones?”, The Science Times.
- “Urban green space brings happiness when money can’t buy it anymore”,
- “Urban green space affects citizens’ happiness”, Science Daily.
- "’숲세권 아파트’ 뜨는 이유 있었네…녹지 1위 핀란드의 경험”, 중앙일보 (in Korean).
- “선진국에선 경제 성장보다 도심 녹지가 시민 행복에 결정적”, 연합뉴스 (in Korean).